Nurse Practitioner

With the growing complexity of health care and limited availability of Family Physicians, many patients are seeing Family Nurse Practitioners (NPs) for their primary care needs.

Nurse Practitioners are independent health care professionals with advanced nursing practice. NPs are similar to Family Physicians in that both diagnose, treat and manage acute and chronic diseases, order and interpret labs and diagnostic tests and prescribe medications for patients from childhood to adulthood.

The BVPCN Nurse Practitioners work independently and manage their own patient panels. They often work closely with our local Family Physicians, Family Practice Nurses and other health professions in order to provide the most comprehensive care and management as well as ensure continuity of care throughout the patient journey.

Women's Health

If you are visiting our Nurse Practitioners for any Women’s Health or PAP appointments, please print and fill out this form and bring it to your appointment. A label will be applied to your form upon check in.  If you are unable to fill out the form prior to your appointment, one will be provided to you upon check in.

We have a shared waiting list for patients needing a Primary Care Provider.  Patients are booked with a new Primary Care Provider in the order they are placed on the list.  Priority is given to patients in our catchment area.  Please see our FAQ page for a list of communities included in our catchment area.

Contact the Bonnyville Medical at 780-826-3346 to be put on the waiting list.